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I was just testing the content rating and it seems it is using integers for average.
Which I think will give a negative view on content, a module that has all 5 stars and only one 4 will get 4 stars instead of 5.
It is easily corrected in the stored procedure but I assume this was done as a performace optimization?
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[mp_ContentRating_GetStatsByContent] @ContentGuid uniqueidentifier AS
-- before: SELECT COALESCE(AVG(Rating),0) As CurrentRating, SELECT COALESCE(CONVERT(int,ROUND(AVG(CONVERT(decimal,Rating)),0)),0) As CurrentRating,
Count(*) As TotalRatings FROM [dbo].[mp_ContentRating] WHERE [ContentGuid] = @ContentGuid
Thanks! I've queued this change into the script for the next release.