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currently using artisteer31-bluenwhite and mojo
video player full screen will not work using windows 7 IE10.
From googling this seems to be a known issue with jplayer, however there has not been a new release of it since this problem was reported in November. Once they make a new release we'll update to it.
thanks for letting me know.
I just want to mention JW Player is kept current and would be a great addition to the portal if jp player does not stay current.
That one is not open source and only has a free license for non-commercial purposes. It is not compatible to be included with mojoPortal for that reason.
jPlayer has a good history and a large user base so I expect it will continue to be improved. Actually this problem "could" be fixed by overriding default configuration. I will look into doing that before the next release of mojoPortal.
fyi, the latest release of mojoPortal has a the latest release of jPlayer and full screen now works in IE 10