Visually Partitioning Sites So That Sections Appear To Be Separate Sites

In some scenarios, you may want to divide a site into sections that appear to be independent sites but have a common user base. mojoPortal content management system has features to help with this. The example scenario below gives an idea of how to configure mojoPortal to meet these needs.

University Site
--School of Foo (Section Home)
--School of Bar (Section home)
--School of Music (Section home)

with each section having its own skin and logo and menu. In fact each section home has a split menu skins with a top horizntal menu showing sub sections within the section and child pages below the sub section shown in a left vertical menu

The logo, home link etc all point to the section home rather than the root site home.

Basic steps:

1. Create the page hierarchy something along these lines
University of Music (main root site)
--School of Jazz ( apparently a separate site) (siteRoot/schoolofjazz.aspx)
----Swing Department (section of sub site) (in split menu this would
be the top menu)
------Some page 1 (in split menu this will be the top level of the
left menu when
-------- ... more pages later

Create a custom skin for the School Of Jazz by copying one of the
split menu skins like treeview2. Set that page to use this skin, then
in the layout.master file
1. edit the home link so it points to the School of Jazz page like this:

<portal:HomeLink id="HomeLink" runat="server"
OverrideUrl="~/schoolofjazz.aspx" />

2. edit the site logo so it links to the Schol Of Jazz page and use
its own logo if desired.

<portal:SiteLogo id="SiteLogo" runat="server"

3. edit the site title like this:

<portal:SiteTitle id="SiteTitle" runat="server"
OverrideUrl="~/schoolofjazz.aspx" OverrideTitle="School of

4. Set the StartingNodeOffset=1 on the top SiteMenu, this makes the
top menu bind to node beneath School of Jazz

<portal:SiteMenu id="SiteMenu1" runat="server"

5. On the page menu set StartingNodeOffset=2

<portal:PageMenu id="PageMenu1" runat="server" UseTreeView="true"
StartingNodeOffset="2" />

6. If you want the Site Map to filter so that it shows only pages beneath the Section Home, configure the SiteMapLink in your layout.master file like this:

<portal:SiteMapLink id="SiteMapLink2" runat="server" SiteMapStartingUrl="~/schoolofjazz.aspx" CssClass="sitelink" />

New pages created below School of Jazz should automatically get the
same skin as the School of Jazz page. Child pages also inherit role permissions from the parent page so you can estabish different roles that can edit the different sections of the site.