Thought I would make a brief post to share the progress in growth of the mojoPortal community and other statistics and milestones of interest.
In recent weeks we reached 5000 commits in our svn source code repository, actually the most recent revision as of this writing is r5086.
We are approaching 5000 voluntary site registrations and could possibly even reach that milestone this month. The chart below is as of 2009-05-09.

Web Traffic is doing well and showing steady growth.

And best of all, downloads have suddenly gone way up from the exposure we have received in the Microsoft Web Application Gallery. You can see, we went live in the gallery on April 6-7 and its been like a tidal wave raisin our 30 day downloads from 3500-3800 previous average to over 18,000 downloads on the current live stats chart.

A little love from Microsoft goes a long way as you can see! Huge thanks to Microsoft and especially the IIS Team for their support and help in getting mojoPortal into the gallery.
The interesting thing to me is that the site registration chart was already going parabolic before we got into the gallery. We got into the gallery around April 6-7, and site registration actually dipped a little in April compared to March. It will be interesting to see where it goes from here. Note that we have never required registration to download or even tried to fool people into thinking they can't download without registration like DotNetNuke does. Our registration numbers mean more because they are strictly voluntary.