
Notice: This page is currently in-development. We want to make sure that you can access the information available on it in the meantime, but it may not be very pretty right now. Please bear with us during this process, this is a big site with a lot of content that we need to overhaul. Thanks!

i7MEDIA Hosting, Design and mojoPortal related services
1202 Commercial Drive, Suite 5
Excelsior Springs, MO 64024
phone 816-479-0233
Email: use this form.

i7MEDIA specializes in services surrounding all aspects of mojoPortal. With services for web design, professional on-call support, hosting, training and application development, i7MEDIA is the best choice for your mojoPortal projects.

  • Website Design
  • Hosting
  • Professional Support
  • Skinning
  • PSD to Skin Conversion
  • Application Development
  • Training