Become A Consulting Partner

Notice: This page is currently in-development. We want to make sure that you can access the information available on it in the meantime, but it may not be very pretty right now. Please bear with us during this process, this is a big site with a lot of content that we need to overhaul. Thanks!

Become A Consulting Partner

Please provide all of the information in English.

To be considered for a link on our consulting partner page you must have a landing page on your site indicating that you do provide services related to mojoPortal, and you must link back to This is the page we would link to in your Partner Listing if you are accepted into the Partner Program. The content on your landing page must be in English. It is fine if you have it also available in other languages but we do require the information to also be in English.

The following question applies for any consultants who develop custom features for mojoPortal.

We want customers who use mojoPortal for their sites to be able to upgrade to new versions of mojoPortal. Therefore we ask our Partners to avoid forking the mojoPortal source code and keep any customizations in your own projects. If you modify the mojoPortal source code then your customers will not be able to upgrade to new versions of mojoPortal without losing your customizations. Please read the article Avoid Forking the Code, and check the box below indicating that you agree to avoid forking the code in your work with mojoPortal so that your customers can always benefit from future improvements in mojoPortal.